How To Battle The Frustrations Of Sleep Apnea

If anyone around you has trouble with their sleep and things are not getting better, you should be aware that sleep apnea might be the culprit. Sleep apnea is a condition that you should not have to deal with. Don’t stop reading this article, if you want to be informed.

You can fight sleep apnea by giving up certain vices. The worst thing you can do to contribute to sleep apnea by drinking and smoking. Consuming alcohol can lead to trouble with your respiratory system. Smoking damages the lungs. Doing away with both of these bad habits will help do away with your sleep apnea symptoms.

Do you drink and smoke? Take steps to eliminate these unhealthy habits. Your airways are significantly affected by smoking and drinking. Inflammation is caused by smoking and alcohol use causes your airways to collapse, both of which can produce sleep apnea symptoms. If you must continue with these habits, avoid doing them before bed.

Are nicotine and alcohol a part of your life? Rid yourself of those bad habits. These items can harm your airways. Your throat can swell thanks to smoking, and alcohol relaxes your palate and allows it to drop to the back of your throat, which restricts your airway while you sleep. If it is not possible for you to quit cold turkey, then try not to smoke or drink immediately before bedtime.

Your doctor may recommend a mouth guard to help ease the breathing problems associated with sleep apnea. If your breathing passage is naturally narrow, you have a small jaw, or you have a recessed chin, your sleep apnea may be amplified. You can get better grade rest at night using special devices that make alterations to your sleep positions so you wind up with better jaw alignment and posture.

Find another way to get to sleep other than sleeping pills. Sleeping pills are similar in a way to alcohol because they may relax the muscles in your throat. They can also contribute to a large variety of things that are problematic to those who suffer from sleep apnea. There are ways to get to sleep that won’t have a negative effect on your breathing; ask your doctor for advice.

As you read in the beginning of this article, many people today suffer with sleep apnea. If you suffer from this condition, being uneducated on the subject is a big mistake. Once you have the knowledge, you’ll be able to manage your condition with ease.

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