What All Can Your Iphone Do?

An iPhone can be a very useful device. You????????ll find your iPhone replaces entertainment devices for listening to music and complicated calendar programs for scheduling amongst other things. Personalizing your iPhone can be achieved in different ways and will allow it to serve your needs better. Use the tips to make the most of your phone.

An iPhone’s notification feature can become annoying. This is a simple way to turn them off. Click on settings and tap notifications. Remove items that aren’t useful from your “Notification Center”. As a bonus, this will increase battery life.

Remember to update the phone as updates become available. Keeping your phone updated will ensure that it is loaded with the latest options and software patches. You will also have to store all photos and other information you have on your computer in case something bad occurs to the phone, you’re covered.

You can use Siri to set reminders linked to locations. Siri already gives reminders based on a pre-set time. It will call you when you get home. This adds another layer of customization to your iPhone. Now the phone will be able to detect when you’re at home instead of relying on the time. This helps when you have no idea what time you will be arriving at home, and lets you set a reminder.

If you’re not using your iPhone’s powerful multimedia features, you’re not getting everything you could be getting out of your phone. Some of these include downloading television episodes or different comedy clips from websites.

When browsing the web on your iPhone, try scrolling with a single finger and two fingers. A given webpage can be scrolled through box by box. Two fingers will help you easily scroll the entire page.

Now, after reading the above information, you should be aware of all the many place to locate new iPhone apps, and how to get them onto your phone. You will also find that installing apps and finding them probably comes as second nature to you now. Put the information to work, and you can soon optimize your iPhone experience.

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